I spent some time on Lemesiur Island with friends Bob, Hank, and LInnea last week. Since then I have been mulling over a few great quotes, which are sitting in me like yeast. If I remember right Mr. Lemesiur was a chef on Vancouver's expedition to Southeast Alaska. Here, it seems, is his recipe for young men trying to find a niche and a right livelihood:
"Conservation as we know it is not an adequate response to an economy that is inherently wasteful and destructive"
- Wendell Berry, "Hell no. Of course not. but . . . " Arctic Refuge: A Circle of Testimony. Edited by Hank Lenfer and Carolyn Servid
"The more I understand hope, the more I realize that all along it deserved to be in [Pandora's] box with the plagues, sorrow, and mischief; that it serves the needs of those in power as surely as belief in a distant heaven; that hope is really nothing more than a secular way of keeping us in line."
- Derrick Jensen, "Beyond Hope" Orion May/June 2006.