Here is how the official website describes this year's 81st annual Pig N Ford races at the Tillamook County Fair:
Saturday World Championships
1. Bobby Wasmer
2. Marty Walker
3. Chris Hurliman
4. John Haertel
5. Ben Salo (DQ)
"Bobby had a great start and was able to jump to the early lead and never look back. Marty stayed close throughout the race trying to find an opening. John had some starting troubles, which gave Chris the opening to get the final trophy position. Ben decided to have a little fun while he was in the back of the pack and skip an exchange for fun. The crowd loved it and was able to finish third without the final exchange, but skipping the last exchange is against the rules."
Indeed it was an exciting event, made especially entertaining, as they describe, when Ben skipped the third exchange after trouble with the hand cranking during the second exchange put him out of reach of winning.
Wait. . . What about the fact that the sport entails grabbing a screaming piglet under the arm and racing around a horsetrack in a working model T Ford? After 81 years of Pig n Fords, Tillamook County has, believe it or not, made this ritual normal, and non-ironic, within its borders. I'd guess 5,000 people came from around Oregon to see this feat.
After the race, at which PETA was completely absent (It is easy to think the race is cruel to the pigs, but it is nothing compared to the feedlots they were born in), the pigs get auctioned off. My local natural meat provider, Lance, bought six and is fattening them up right now. They will be ready for purchase in late November or December.